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The State of Arizona is unique in that it offers scholarships to Arizona Christian Schools and their students. At this time, there are two different options when it comes to scholarships for private schools. You can choose to apply for ESA or STOs. The differences between the two are outlined below.

Empowerment Scholarship (ESA)

Universal ESA is available for any Arizona Resident and has no other stipulations for application.

ESA is an exclusive scholarship and cannot be combined with any other scholarship. ESA typically awards between 75%-100% of TBA's annual tuition depending on a student's grade level.

ACSTO has created a very helpful guide for you as parents to know what ESA is, how it compares to STOs, and how you can take advantage of it as an Arizona resident. This guide is linked below.

School Tuition Organizations (STOs)

Arizona taxpayers have the opportunity to designate their state tax dollars to go towards Christian schools. This is a wonderful opportunity to allow your tax dollars to further the next generation through Christian education. Most of our current students have received funds through the following scholarship organizations.

Arizona Christian 
Scholarship Tuition
Organization (ACSTO)

Application opens February 3rd

Application Deadlines;
July 15th

October 15th

January 31st

March 31st



Institute for 
Better Education​ (IBE)

Application opens February 1st

Application Deadlines:

Before the 1st of each month.



School Choice Arizona

Application opens March 1st

Application Deadlines;
May 15th

June 30th

September 30th

December 31st

February 28th



Arizona Leadership
Foundation (ALF)

Application Period:​

Applications for school year 2024-2025 are now open. This is a one-time application period for the year.

April 15 - June 17, 2024




TOPS for Kids

Application opens May 1st


Application Deadlines;
July 15th

October 15th

January 15th

April 1st



AAA Scholarship Foundation

Application Period:​

Applications for 2024-2025 are now open until May 31, 2024 (subject to change).



**STOs listed above can be used in combination with each other.

Click on the button below for Printable STO Application Dates and corresponding application links for the 2024-2025 school year.

How can you help a student receive scholarship funding at TBA?

Your dollar-for-dollar tax credit donation to ACSTO provides scholarships to students at
Tucson Baptist Academy.

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